The hardware technologies available in the general purpose classrooms at
my institution are a desk top computer running Windows, a document camera, a
data projector/screen, amplifiers/speakers, a document camera, and a lecture
capture and video content management system (Panopto). The internet and
software technologies are MS Office, the internet, and the learning management
system (D2L). I am comfortable with all of these except Panopto.
The roll-out for Panopto on my campus was last year, Fall 2015. As of yet,
IT has not provided any face-to-face professional development opportunities.
However, IT has posted detailed directions on the use of Panopto (20 pages!),
which if I have trouble following, I can ask that department for assistance. In
addition, IT has listed supplemental resources outside of the college. These
resources are from Panopto
(n.d.), which also has a YouTube channel
(Panopto, n.d.) showing videos such as “An Overview of Panopto” and “How
Faculty Use Panopto at SUNY-Lake Oswego .
Others have added videos about Panopto on YouTube, such as “How to View a Recording”
(Panopto Tester, 2011) and “How
to Record a Voiceover PowerPoint or Keynote using Panopto” (2013). In
addition, Newton, Tucker, Dawson, and Currie’s (2014) article on using lecture
capture in higher education explains how to get started using lecture capture
and provides recommendations for possible problems.
Even more
resources are available on Educause,
such as “Effective
Use of Lecture Capture: Lessons from a Large Lecture Hall Course Project”
(Garwood & Linardopoulos, 2015). After reading about all the wonderful ways
to use Panopto, I would like to see the college’s IT department provide
face-to-face instructional sessions to more fully support classroom technology.
Garwood, S.,
& Linardopoulos. (2015). Effective use of lecture capture in a large
lecture hall course. Retrieved from
How to record a
voiceover PowerPoint or Keynote using Panopto. (2013). Retrieved from
Newton, G.,
Tucker, T., Dawson, J., & Currie, E. (2014). Use of lecture capture in
higher education - lessons from the trenches. Techtrends: Linking Research & Practice To Improve Learning, 58(2),
32-45. doi:10.1007/s11528-014-0735-8
Panopto. (n.d.).
Panopto video. Retrieved from
Panopto. (n.d.).
Tutorials. Retrieved from
Panopto Tester.
(2011). How to View a Recording. Retrieved from