Sunday, January 3, 2016

Welcome to Tech Savvy!

I'm Susan J. Konantz from western Colorado where I teach developmental reading and composition at a combined community college/university. 

I have started this blog as an assignment for EDUC 8306 a Walden University. Its purpose is to write about new and emerging technologies, analyzing and evaluating their potential for use in higher education. I am especially interested in their application for enhancing teaching and learning in face-to-face classrooms, in particular small classrooms with 10-24 students. To that end, I will include descriptions of my experiences in teaching with technology.  

By the end of this course, I hope to be able to  
1. Apply technology and instructional strategies to support and assess student learning and development of critical knowledge and skills
2. Apply communication and collaboration skills to online learning communities
3. Analyze implementation, integration, and sustainability strategies for technologies that support student learning 
4. Analyze opportunities for positive social change as they relate to technology
5. Evaluate technologies for supporting student learning

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