Monday, March 14, 2016

YouTube Update (Module 5, continued)

My last post was about the use of YouTube in my college reading/composition class. Here is an update. Recently, I had each student in my reading/composition post a link to an instructional reading/writing video on the class discussion board. Classmates could then use those videos to review for the midterm. One hundred percent of the students posted! The second part of the assignment was to watch someone else's video and comment on it. Again, a hundred percent participation! This assignment is definitely a keeper.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Susan-Wow! What a success! I love your update! A couple of years ago I was teaching US History for teachers and I asked if anyone knew the Erie Canal Song (Low Bridge). No one had heard it, so I pulled it up on YouTube and played for them. On the spur of the moment I assigned them to post a song that was related to American history (I called the assignment "Sing Americana"). Of the 45 students, only a couple posted lyrics...everyone else posted links to YouTube videos. I got a lot of Yankee Doodles and Star Spangled Banners, but a few surprised me with the Ballad of Davy Crockett and Battle of New Orleans. Even if the students aren't creating their own content, assignments like these help them learn to find, evaluate, share, and use resources. Monica
